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What's being built at 6th and H Streets in downtown Sacramento? | Why Guy

What you're seeing under construction is the new Sacramento Criminal Courthouse, which is slated for completion in December 2023.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Today's Why Guy question comes in from Holland Myers, who asks, "Mr. Gray, why can nobody tell me what the two buildings are that are going up in downtown Sacramento, side by side at about 6th and H Streets? Right now they look like the central elevator shafts of what will be two high rise buildings, but what are they going to be?"

Holland, that's a long question, so I'll provide a short answer.

These buildings will be the new Sacramento Criminal Courthouse. When finished, it will relocate the current downtown and outdated Gordon Schaber Courthouse, built in 1965, at 720 9th St., to this gleaming new place of justice between G and H Streets and 5th and 6th Streets.

So, if you get in trouble, or if you're a juror or judge, this is where you'll go.

With a current budget of $515 million, the finished building will be 18 stories high with 53 courtrooms.

It's taken it's sweet time to even get this far.

Plans were approved for this in 2016. Then came delays and funding issues. Funding was approved in 2018. Construction was set to begin in 2019 and finally broke ground on Nov. 20, 2020.

Expected completion date is December 2023.


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