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San Joaquin County supervisors approve pay raise for themselves

The pay raise passed in a 3-2 vote.

STOCKTON, Calif. — Starting at the end of July, the five people in charge of approving San Joaquin County's legislation, funding and policies will be receiving a significant pay raise.

During Tuesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in downtown Stockton, supervisors approved the pay raise for themselves in a 3 to 2 vote.

Starting July 29, the supervisors will be paid $6,420.57 every two weeks amounting to a pay increase of $22,023 annually, according to county documents.

Tom Patti, who is running against Christina Fugazi to become Stockton's next mayor, and former Tracy Mayor Robert Rickman were the only dissenting votes. 

Supervisors Miguel Villapudua, Steve Ding and Paul Canepa approved the resolution. The vote happened quickly Tuesday without discussion, but a similar item was discussed during a May 14 meeting.

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