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Why should you use a silk pillowcase? | Why Guy

A viewer messaged on Facebook wanting to know why silk helps prevent a wild case of bedhead.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — "Bedhead" is a real thing. You hit the pillow looking like Sleeping Beauty and wake up looking like Cruella de Vil. You need something to keep yourself out of the house of horrors and silk can do the trick.

Yes, a silk pillowcase or scarf can protect your hair from damage.

A viewer messaged on Facebook wanting to know why silk helps prevent a wild case of bedhead. Here's where the problem lies.

Each strand of hair is protected by cuticles. They form overlapping layers like shingles on the roof of your house.

According to Cosmetology Professor Asbury Wilkenson, when you treat your hair with chemicals, the shingles can lift and separate from the hair shaft. It depends on the treatment.

Shampoo high in pH can cause the cuticles to lift. If you go to bed with your hair in that state sleeping on a cotton pillowcase, the rough surface can pull at those open cuticles, allowing moisture to escape, leading to dry brittle hair and bedhead.

Now, the smooth surface of a silk or satin pillowcase lessons the conflict, there's no tugging on the cuticles allowing them to close without going wild.

You can find silk or satin pillowcases for reasonable prices, but if you don't want to do that, you can always wear a silk or satin scarf to bed. Or, maybe you just want to wake up and start your day with crazy-looking hair.

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