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Sacramento civil rights leaders honored with street names tell their story

Louise Williams, and Harry Block, are honored with streets named in their honor.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Two remarkable Sacramento citizens have been honored with streets named after them.  

79-year-old Harry Block began public service early as president of his school's HI-Y club, later becoming class president and for decades was a dedicated member of the Twin Rivers School District Board of Directors, decorated for his leadership at Grant High School.

He said that he continues to fight for civil rights, that we've come a long way, but have much work to do. 

"We all have things that we need to be doing; we all need to work hard and help each other and work together," Block said.  "This is a problem in the country today that we don’t work together.  If we want to solve our problems- we must come together, work together.  This is what we have to do."

Harry Block Street and Louise Williams Street are located in Sacramento's Del Paso Heights neighborhood near Redding Park.

One look inside the walls of Louise Williams's family‘s home reveals that most of those years have been dedicated to civil rights and her community.   Tributes and dedications from every Sacramento mayor of the last 30 years, even senators and leaders worldwide.  The 91-year-old says she's not slowing down and that's her advice to others. 

"Keep moving and don’t stop," Williams said.  "Remember there are others out there that need you.  I think we are all the same we just need to get out and work together, not look at color just look at the job that needs to be done in our community.  You know, you live like I live, you sleep like I sleep.  I’m quite sure you get up in the morning like I get up in the morning,  so we all doing about the same thing so let’s get together and go do good things." 


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