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Dixon Vice-Mayor's controversial column receives mixed reactions

"I think the greatest consequence will be this November. He's up for re-election anyway."

Dixon residents have mixed reactions to Vice Mayor Ted Hickman’s op-ed, where he declared July as "Straight Pride American Month."

Hickman referenced to pride month as 'LGBTQF-WTF' month. He went on to say, "We ARE different from them...We work, have families, (and babies we make) enjoy and love the company (and marriage) of the opposite sex and don't flaunt our differences dressing up like faries [sic] and prancing by the thousands in a parade in nearby San Francisco."

"It's clear to us that he does not reflect anything that the city is really about," said Dixon City Manager, Jim Lindley.

Lindley told ABC10 it hasn't been determined what consequences, if any, Hickman will face for the comments many constituents believe demand accountability.

“That will be up to the rest of the council,” Lindley explained. “We have a process by which we can censure council member – it's by way of committee – and they make recommendations to the council."

"I think the greatest consequence will be this November. He's up for re-election anyway," added council member Devin Minnema.

Minnema said he received a flood of emails from the community over the weekend in regard to Hickman’s statements.

“Saying how they don't feel welcome in this city after reading that kind of thing,” said Minnema. “In fact, I was speaking to a woman yesterday who is bisexual and she said she's questioning whether or not she should have moved here."

One of Hickman's neighbors, who didn't want to be identified, said that while she believes everyone is entitled to their own opinion, she doesn't agree with the way he voiced his because he’s an elected official.

"You have to look at both sides,” she said. “He does do a lot of great things. He helps a lot of people and he is an upstanding member of the community. You can't condemn that. But at the same time, if you're going to be representing your community, you have to realize you're representing all of your community."

On Monday, the nation’s largest statewide LGBTQ civil rights organization, Equality California, urged Hickman to resign.

ABC10 has reached out to Hickman for a comment numerous times, but has not heard back yet. Several members of the community are planning to protest next week’s city council meeting.

Other Dixon residents started a Facebook page called, 'Recall Red Hickman, Vice Mayor of Dixon, CA'. An event to celebrate LGBTQ pride is scheduled at the end of the month.

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